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#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
use tokio::sync::OnceCell;
pub mod test_util;
pub mod config;
pub mod grpc;
mod router;
pub mod tasks;
pub use crate::config::Config;
/// Initialized log4rs handle
pub static LOG_HANDLE: OnceCell<Option<log4rs::Handle>> = OnceCell::const_new();
pub(crate) async fn get_log_handle() -> Option<log4rs::Handle> {
.get_or_init(|| async move {
// Set up basic logger to make sure we can write to stdout
let stdout = log4rs::append::console::ConsoleAppender::builder()
"{d(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} | {I} | {h({l}):5.5} | {f}:{L} | {m}{n}",
match log4rs::config::Config::builder()
.appender(log4rs::config::Appender::builder().build("stdout", Box::new(stdout)))
) {
Ok(config) => log4rs::init_config(config).ok(),
Err(_) => None,
/// Initialize a log4rs logger with provided configuration file path
pub async fn load_logger_config_from_file(config_file: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
let log_handle = get_log_handle()
.ok_or("(load_logger_config_from_file) Could not get the log handle.")?;
match log4rs::config::load_config_file(config_file, Default::default()) {
Ok(config) => {
Err(e) => Err(format!(
"(logger) Could not parse log config file [{}]: {}.",
config_file, e,
/// Tokio signal handler that will wait for a user to press CTRL+C.
/// This signal handler can be used in our [`tonic::transport::Server`] method `serve_with_shutdown`.
/// # Examples
/// ## tonic
/// ```
/// use svc_scheduler::shutdown_signal;
/// pub async fn server() {
/// let (_, health_service) = tonic_health::server::health_reporter();
/// tonic::transport::Server::builder()
/// .add_service(health_service)
/// .serve_with_shutdown("".parse().unwrap(), shutdown_signal("grpc", None));
/// }
/// ```
/// ## using a shutdown signal channel
/// ```
/// use svc_scheduler::shutdown_signal;
/// pub async fn server() {
/// let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<()>();
/// let (_, health_service) = tonic_health::server::health_reporter();
/// tokio::spawn(async move {
/// tonic::transport::Server::builder()
/// .add_service(health_service)
/// .serve_with_shutdown("".parse().unwrap(), shutdown_signal("grpc", Some(shutdown_rx)))
/// .await;
/// });
/// // Send server the shutdown request
/// shutdown_tx.send(()).expect("Could not stop server.");
/// }
/// ```
pub async fn shutdown_signal(
server: &str,
shutdown_rx: Option<tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver<()>>,
) {
match shutdown_rx {
Some(receiver) => receiver
.expect("(shutdown_signal) expect tokio signal oneshot Receiver"),
None => tokio::signal::ctrl_c()
.expect("(shutdown_signal) expect tokio signal ctrl-c"),
log::warn!("(shutdown_signal) server shutdown for [{}].", server);